Absolutely! We provide worldwide shipping to all countries.
No, you can also place an order as a guest. But, there are some perks if you have an account with us:
- Quick checkout process
- Easily view your order status and order history
- Receive updates detailing our new releases and special promotions.
Our products are usually dispatched within 1-3 days of receiving your order.
Generally, you can expect your items to arrive within 10-15 business days.
We accept all major credit cards, including VISA, Mastercard, Discover, and AMEX. Additionally, we also accept PayPal payments.
Our shipments originate from our partnered factories located in various locations. Therefore, if you order multiple items, please anticipate that they may be shipped separately as different factories specialize in different areas of manufacturing.
No account creation is necessary, you can conveniently checkout as a guest.
Rest assured, our website employs top-tier payment gateway providers, ensuring the security of your banking and card details throughout the transaction process.
Feel free to reach out to our customer care team at 852 93893789 or cs@skyworldshopping.com for assistance.
Absolutely, we prioritize the protection of your personal information and uphold strict privacy standards.
We do accept exchanges and they follow the same conditions as returns:
- The item must have been sold on our online store.
- The item shouldn’t have been used in any way.
- The item should be in its original packaging with all the tags etc.
- The return or exchange request is made within 30 days of delivery.
To request an exchange, please submit your request via the “Contact Us” form. A member of our support staff shall respond as soon as possible.